The dental treatments on offer at Wimbledon Dental Spa have been chosen very carefully because they provide the best solutions for your oral health and cosmetic requirements.
The dental treatments on offer at Wimbledon Dental Spa have been chosen very carefully because they provide the best solutions for your oral health and cosmetic requirements.
In the dental chair, we use the wy10 system, a highly effective range of cutting edge whitening products. This system uses a unique Thermal Diffuser, which allows an even thermal rise (warming up) of the whitening gel creating an increased diffusion rate of bleaching agent into the enamel structure of the teeth. This innovative technology basically allows a safer, more effective action of the whitening agent on the teeth.
This tooth whitening system uses superb gel products to remove stains and whiten the teeth in a pain-free and safe way to a shade chosen by the patient.
If the dentist feels your teeth are suitable for this treatment, the results are tremendous and last for up to two years.
Snap-On Smile is an affordable,
non-invasive and completely reversible dental appliance that can easily and painlessly give you a beautiful smile. The Snap-On Smile
products provide patients with a completely removable high-tech resin smile that fits perfectly over your existing teeth to provide you with the perfect, non invasive solution to gaps, crooked, missing or stained teeth.
Your Snap-On Smile will be made just for you, fitting your teeth and mouth
comfortably and in a shade chosen by you.
It is available for upper and lower teeth and patients can eat and drink whilst wearing it.
This type of veneer provides you with the smile you want, but with minimal dental work. They require little or no tooth etching or preparation, provide superior strength to other veneers and can often last up to 20 years or more.
This type of dental veneer is only available from certain dental practices that are registered with the Cerinate Smile Design Studio. This company is the sole producer of Cerinate porcelain, the unique porcelain used to create Lumineers.
teethulike, the treatment will usually take only two visits once the cosmetic assessment and treatment planning have been completed. We will first take an impression of your teeth and send it to DenMat laboratory in California. Your personal Lumineers will be specially made at the Lumineers laboratory. We will then expertly bond these to your teeth, giving you a natural and attractive smile.
Cerinate One-hour provides you with permanent porcelain veneers that can be fitted over your teeth after just one hour-long, pain-free visit to the dentist.
These are a great way to reshape and whiten your teeth without any changes being made to your existing teeth.
A lot of patients hesitate to commit to cosmetic dental treatment due to time commitment and expense. Cerinate One-Hour is one of the many cosmetic treatment solutions that are changing what was for a long time the perception of aesthetic dentistry. By being affordable, convenient and minimally invasive, while providing excellent aesthetic results, Cerinate One-Hour veneers fit perfectly with what we are trying to offer at teethulike: an affordable, comfortable service that fits within your needs and lifestyle.
This treatment provides an affordable smile makeover with minimal dental work but great, long lasting results. These revolutionary veneers are made of hybrid composite-porcelain material. This makes them more resistant to staining and chipping than composite veneers and therefore a more durable option than composite veneers. On the other hand, they are less expensive than traditional porcelain veneers, making them a more affordable cosmetic solution.
Duo:PCH is an effective solution for misaligned, awkward or crooked teeth; gaps; uneven teeth; stained or dark teeth; chipped teeth and to revitalise old crowns and bridgework.
Hybrid composite-porcelain shells are set onto your existing teeth, usually in one or two visits to the dentist.
This treatment provides high quality enamel veneers, which can be fitted to single, or multiple teeth.
They can be fitted with very little invasive dental work and result in a natural and long lasting look to improve the appearance of your teeth.
They are made from white filling (composite) material, which has been treated by a laser to give a highly glossy surface, and they come in different sizes, which are then adapted to the individual. No impressions, no temporaries and only one appointment are necessary, making them ideal for nervous patients who would like to minimise time with us (we understand and don’t take it personally!), or if you are in a hurry and don’t have time to wait for the creation of bespoke porcelain veneers.
Your teeth do need to be relatively straight to be a candidate for these delicate veneers, although they can also be used to improve darker teeth and to close gaps between front teeth. Some little tooth preparation is required in most cases. The Edelweiss Venears are very thin, almost clear, so we use different coloured bonding to change the colour as required.
This technology is used to help bone regenerate in tooth extraction sites and around dental implant areas. This reduces the recovery period for implants and gum surgery, meaning less pain, risk of infection and complications. It is also a great natural biological alternative, if you don’t want to use artificial, animal or extrinsic human bone products and you only want your own.
A small blood sample is taken and concentrated proteins from this are used to aid the body’s healing process. This is very effective, safe and without side effects.
Due to ageing, the loss of teeth or gum disease, patients present to us with a loss of bone or soft tissues (gum recession). This can be repaired and reversed with regenerative surgery. At teethulike we offer several solutions to repair the damage caused by oral diseases and time.
Wimbledon Dental Spa uses BioHorizons and Geitslich products to provide an effective bone and tissue grafting solution for patients.
Healthy gum tissue protects your teeth from periodontal (gum) disease and sensitivity, whilst giving you a great smile. Routine dental check-ups along with proper brushing are essential for maintaining healthy gums; however some patients may require treatment.
Gum recession can sometimes be treated by retrieving soft tissue from the roof (palate) of your mouth.
We can also use an alternative to your tissue by placing donated human tissue or animal substitute tissue grafts.
Applications include:
• Root coverage
• Gingival augmentation
• Soft tissue ridge augmentation
• Soft tissue augmentation around implants
In some cases, the jawbone structure needs improving to allow for dental implants. We then use bone augmentation and voluminisation techniques to improve your bone. This can be done by using your own bone (Autograft) which we collect from your jaw and place in the site where bone is missing or by placing donated human bone (Allograft).
The advantages of Autograft are that since it contains your own cells, it carries no risk of disease transmission or rejection. However Allograft bone is equally advantageous in the fact that it is readily available and does not require a second surgical site. Allograft bone has been well documented in clinical trials and has an excellent safety record.
The proven clinical success of Grafton DBM, MinerOss and BioOss in multiple forms gives us the predictability and flexibility for various applications including regeneration of bone for periodontal, extraction site, sinus and lateral ridge augmentation grafting procedures. Grafton DBM gives us the ability to regenerate bone height and width where you have lost some bone, allowing us to place implants where there was not enough bone to do so in the first place.
A sinus lift is done when there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be placed. There are several reasons for this:
• Many people who have lost teeth in their upper jaw — particularly the back teeth, or molars — do not have enough bone for implants to be placed. Because of the anatomy of the skull, the back of the upper jaw has less bone than the lower jaw.
• Bone may have been lost because of periodontal (gum) disease.
• Tooth loss may have led to a loss of bone as well. Once teeth are gone, bone begins to be resorbed (absorbed back into the body). If teeth have been missing for a long time, there often is not enough bone left to place implants.
• The maxillary sinus may be too close to the upper jaw for implants to be placed. The shape and the size of this sinus varies from person to person. The sinus also can get larger as you age.
Sinus lifts have become common during the last 15 years as more people get dental implants to replace missing teeth.